• Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
  • To encourage and advance the knowledge, study and practice of the Science of Medicine in all ways.
  • To encourage research, including experimental work in the Science of Medicine.
  • To organize, establish, conduct, superintend or control institution for promoting, whether directly or indirectly, the study of and research in problems relating to the Science of Medicine.
  • To hold meetings, conferences, exhibitions, study circles or gatherings for the study and discussion of problems related to and allied with the Sciences of Medicine.
  • To provide instruction and education to deserving persons in the Science of Medicine in all suitable ways.
  • To make pecuniary grants by way of scholarships, donations, subscriptions, allowances, gratuities, guarantees and otherwise to and for the benefit of deserving students, scholars and other persons who are worthy of receiving such grants by reasons of their skill and proficiency in the Science of Practice of Medicine or their service to the cause of promotion of learning, research and practice of the Science of Medicine.
  • To award prizes, medals or other certificates or Diploma of proficiency in the Science of Medicine to persons found fit thereof after tests, examination or other scrutiny as may be prescribed from time to time.
  • To make rules, prescribing standards of professional conduct of members of the chapter.
  • To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms.
  • To print, publish, distribute or sell books, pamphlets, notices, pictures, periodicals, newspapers or magazines or any other literature on any matter concerning or relating to the Science of Practice of Medicine or the life or work of eminent persons.
  • To suggest, study, criticize or otherwise advise on, or take part in, the framing of laws affecting the Science of Practice of Medicine, Medical Education, Health Policies and Health Care activities.
  • The promote spiritual corps among persons studying or practicing the Science of Medicine and to promote good feelings between them and members of general public or public authorities.
  • To cooperate with other associations or individuals to promote the objectives of the Chapter.
  • To construct, provide, regulate and maintain buildings, rooms or other structures for the purpose of the Chapter and to alter, add or remove any of them.
  • To receive any gift of legacy or moveable property (including money) either with or without conditions to promote the objects of the Chapter.
  • To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, any property, rights or privileges for the purpose of the chapter.
  • To sell, improve, manage, develop, mortgage, lease or let, under lease or sub-let, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property of the chapter.
  • To act as trustees, agents or managers of property endowed by any persons for objects of a similar to those of the chapter.
  • To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, negotiate, purchase, lend money upon, discount, hold and dispose of cheques, promissory notes, bells of exchange, drafts and other instruments and to cancel or vary such instruments.
  • To layout, advance, invest, and deal with the Chapters money with or to such persons and in or upon such investments, securities and generally in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
  • To engage such officials, servants or other persons as may be found necessary or convenient for the conduct and management of the affairs of the chapter.
  • To make bye-laws, rules and regulations of the Chapter and to delete, change, or add to the same from time to time.
  • To do all such other acts as may be necessary, incidental, conductive or convenient to the attainment of the above objects of any of them.